Sandy Mocke - Sandy Mocke Photography Sandy Mocke Photography Tinette Wilson - Tinette Wilson Photography Tinette Tamara Pow Chong - Tamara Pow Chong Photography Tamara Pow Chong Photography Bianca van der Merwe - Bianca Kathleen Photography Bianca Kathleen Photography Hesmarie Nel - Nessa Birth Photography Nessa Birth Photography Mareli Ahlschlager Rose Garnet Photography Elrinda Engelbrecht - Belly Angels Photography Belly Angels Photography Rosemarie Duley Rose Duley Photography Devoné Horn Devone Fourie Simon le Grange Nesta Photography Leoni Pretorius Ubiquity Photography Nadia van Bavel -Appelography Appelography Lifestyle Photography Lindsay Oldham Lindsay Oldham Photography Erin - Light and Lark Photography Nikita Lourens Nikita Lourens Leandri Claasens Leandri Jamie Burger - New Shoot Photography New Shoot Photography Nadine Vermaak - LM Photography LM Photography Tamaryn Spurgeon - Tamaryn Lee Photography Tlphoto Leanne Durand - Leanne Durand Photography leannedurandphotography Halima Beale - Halima Beale Photography halima Jani Potgieter Roesland Fotografie Anneli Young - Anneli Young Photography Anneli Danel Spies - Ohana Photography Danel Charlene Vernooy - Charlene Vernooy Photography charlene Megan van Zyl - Megan Ann Photography Megan Ann Photography Bernice Bredenkamp - Shuttersnap Photostudio shuttersnap.photostudio Nikei Hechter Nikei Sherra-Lyn Breebaart Sherra-Lyn Breebaart Anja Lamprecht - Annikoo Photography Annikoo Photography Lelane Oberholzer - Simply Photos & Little Miracles Birth & Newborn Simply Photos Little Miracles Birth Newborn Anne Marais - Anne Marais Photography hello Angelique Kriel - AK Photography AK Photography Faldielah Mohamed Faldielah Mohamed Christine Breedt Christine Breedt Ali Bodill - Ali Bodill Photography Ali Bodill Photography Lianke Goosen - Photography By Lianke Photography By Lianke Tanya Schmidt - Tanya Schmidt Photography Tanya Lisa-Marie De Sousa - Marie Photography Marie Photography Adette Ferreira - PhotosbyAdette PhotosbyAdette Alex Veenis Alex Veenis Azaria Venter - Azaria Venter Photography Azaria Caren Faul - Caren Faul Photography & Birth Photography Caren Faul Photography Birth Photography Annette Schoeman - Annette Schoeman Photography Annetteschoemanphotography Deidre Sandala Deidre Sandala Lindsay Benn - Rey Dawn Photography Rey Dawn Photography San-Marie Pretorius - Meyella Photography Meyella Photography Christine Brand christinebrand2 Sarah Lamour - Sarah Lamour Photography Sarah Lamour Photography Zenobia Bergh - Something Lenzy Photography Something Lenzy Photography Kristi Agier - Kristi Agier Photography kristi Bianca Korff Saunders Bianca Saunders Deborah Jovanovic debs.mcknight Heidi Raj - Heidi Raj Photography Heidi Raj Photography Laura Vorster - Lig en Lewe Photography Lig en Lewe Photography Lorna Jane Spacey - Lorna Jane Photography Lorna Jane Photography Irene Palmer Irene Michellee Bellas - Captured Moments Photography Bellas Captured Moments Photography Tanya Rautenbach - Tachari Photography Tachari Photography Ilse Hoffmann ilse.hoffmann.dc Karen van Aswegen Karen van Aswegen Photography Kelly-Jane Arthur saltandlightphotography Simone Jeffrey - Simone Jeffrey Photography Simone Jeffrey Photography Tammy Mustoe - TM Studios and Photography tmphotos Chad le Roux - Kapcher lev Pty Ltd Kapcher Charne-Mienke Prins -DC Fotografie dcfotografie0 Kendra Olivier - Kendra Friend Photography kendra Marna Wium - Marna Wium Photography Marna Wium Photography Juliette Pilaar (Paused Membership) Jewel Blu Images Tracey Baard - Tracey Baard Photography Traceybaard Marike Oosthuizen (Meyer) - Marike Meyer Birth Photography Anel Ainslie-Britz - Ainslie-Britz Photography Ainslie-Britz Photography Natalie Sternberg - As We Are As We Are Janice Thompson - JT Photography CC JT Photography CC Monique Maritz - Monique Maritz Photography Chane Labuschagne - La'ane Photography Laane Photography Veronique - Veronique Photography Veronique-Photography Zanne Zanne Botha - Simply Meili Photography Simply Meili Photography Lanie Kruger - Click Kliek Photography Lanie Kruger Photography Roelien Roux - Pinnacle Studio Pinnacle Studio