Birth: According to (birth) Plan

When your time comes and the excitement hits, it’s not ideal to have to make important decisions! A birth plan enables you do some research, and make unhurried decisions about the type of birth you want.

What to remember for your birth plan

  • A birth plan is not a legal document, but merely a guideline.
  • You can interview various practitioners if you’re not happy with their response to your preferences.
  • Be flexible; the best laid plans occasionally go awry.

What to ask your Birth Doctor

Whether you decide on a GP, obstetrician or midwife for your birth, ask these three questions:

  1. What is your C-section rate? (not applicable to a midwife)

More than 15-20% means that this practitioner is scalpel-happy.

  • What is your episiotomy rate in normal deliveries?

Upright birth almost never requires an episiotomy.

  • Will you be on holiday around my expected date of delivery?

This means you may get a substitute at the last moment.

What to think about for your birth venue considerations

Decide if you want a homebirth, an active birth unit experience or a hospital birth? Then, tick off and discuss which of these are important to you.

Ÿ I prefer not to have an induction of labour.

Ÿ I want to be free to move around during labour.

Ÿ I’d like my partner to remain with me at all times.

Ÿ I’d like to use natural pain relief methods.

Ÿ The delivery room should be as quiet as possible.

Ÿ The lights should be dimmed.

Ÿ I would like to try for a water birth.

Ÿ Delivering in an upright position is important to me.

Ÿ The umbilical cord should not be clamped until pulsation has ceased.

Ÿ I want to hold my baby skin-to-skin immediately after the birth.

Ÿ I wish to breastfeed my baby straight after delivery.

Ÿ I want no bottles whatsoever to be given to my baby.